To serve a document means to hand the document over to its recipient. There are many ways of achieving this, according to the type of procedure to be served and to the person to whom the document must be given. In all cases, however, it is of the utmost importance that the document is served in compliance with existing laws and regulations.

Once the serving is performed, the bailiff drafts a written record, commonly known as a bailiff report. This report contains all the important details about the document served: the way the document was served to the recipient, as well as the location, date and time of serving. Since this report is an authentic instrument, issued by a public officer, it has conclusive force and is a document allowed as evidence in all respects. Should the content of the bailiff’s report be contested, the process will be laborious and court intervention will be unavoidable.

Our firm can count on about forty bailiffs, all of them having the capacity to proceed to procedure serving. We are then able to serve many documents, simultaneously, in various locations.

Our expertise lies on our adaptation capacity. We are prepared to deal with all kinds of unforeseen circumstances in the normal course of our duty. When that happens, we proceed speedily, while exercising good judgment and caution, in order to remain professional and worthy public officers.

Out bailiffs squad work in more than 350 cities and municipalities in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. For more remoted cities, we can provide you with a procedure transfer service, through our network of correspondents who are located within the various judicial districts in Quebec and Ontario.